Newton’s third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In life every force of good is also met with a destructive counter force. Evil, in the broad sense, contains both natural and moral evils. The story explores the characters of people ready to disregard anything and everything to shape the world order and maintain their control. Their stories are juxtaposed with people willing to do the right thing, no matter the sacrifices that would have to be made. The Descendants of the Fallen is a story about a man willing to stake everything he has to save himself from a terminal disease, and in doing so, he sets out on a journey to find people with particular skills to help him return from this deathly state. The Gods shine their grace, and his relentless pursuit converts into a meeting with someone, a descendant of a pure and ancient bloodline, who might help him in his ailing condition. But life has other plans and taking a step back amongst the commotion, he realizes that his blotched past might become a hindrance to his salvation after all.

Why read it?

Descendants of the Fallen is an adventure-packed read that takes the reader through discovering ancient societies, a melancholy past, and dangerous assassins on the loose. It includes a love story that will leave a lasting impact on the reader. All in all, this book has all the elements to make for a perfect fantastical story. It shows a man’s sheer will to keep fighting in harsh circumstances, even if they may not let him get the medicine to treat his illness. Will he be able to find the cure before it’s too late? Or will he succumb to harsh realities of life?

Our Book


Why Read It.


Descendants of the Fallen is an adventure-packed read that takes the reader through discovering ancient societies, a melancholy past, and dangerous assassins on the loose. It includes a love story that will leave a lasting impact on the reader. All in all, this book has all the elements to make for a perfect fantastical story. It shows a man’s sheer will to keep fighting in harsh circumstances, even if they may not let him get the medicine to treat his illness. Will he be able to find the cure before it’s too late? Or will he succumb to harsh realities of life?